Mosquitoes Control


Mosquito Control is crucial for public health and comfort. Some mosquitoes spread diseases like West Nile or dengue, while others are just nuisances. Everyone can help reduce mosquito populations.

Key methods include:
Source Reduction: Eliminate mosquito breeding sites by removing standing water from containers like cans and tires.
Chemical Control: Use larvicides to kill mosquito larvae or spray insecticides to target adult mosquitoes.

Local governments typically handle mosquito control, but individuals can contribute by reducing breeding sites around their homes.


Mosquito Fogging is a pest control method that involves releasing a fine mist of insecticide into the air to kill mosquitoes. The mist settles onto surfaces, killing mosquitoes on contact. Fogging is most effective when done at dawn and dusk, as mosquitoes are most active during these times. This ensures maximum exposure of mosquitoes to the insecticide. However, environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and wind speed can significantly impact the effectiveness of fogging.


ULV Misting Water Based for mosquito control is a pest control method that uses Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) misting. This technique involves emitting tiny droplets of a specially formulated chemical preparation into open areas. The misting system uses large volumes of air at low pressures to transform the liquid into droplets that are dispersed into the atmosphere. This technique is effective for large areas where mosquito breeding ground is hard to detect. It’s an efficient control method as only small amounts of pesticides are used in the proces. It’s important to note that no authorized personnel should be around during the misting treatment for at least 4 hours.


Larviciding for mosquito control is a method that targets the aquatic immature forms of mosquitoes. It involves the regular application of microbial or chemical insecticides to water bodies or containers where mosquitoes breed. The aim is to kill mosquito larvae and pupae before they can grow into adults. This reduces the adult mosquito population, thereby helping to control the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. Larvicides are safe for humans, pets, and the environment when used according to product label instructions.


Mosquito Control Spraying involves applying a layer of insecticide on surfaces, such as walls, where mosquitoes are likely resting. Once the mosquitoes come into contact with the insecticide, it attaches to them and ultimately kills them.