Termite Treatment


Termite treatment methods are designed to both eliminate existing termite colonies and prevent future infestations. These methods often involve the use of termiticides, physical barriers, baiting systems, or a combination of these. It’s always recommended to consult with a professional pest control service to ensure the most effective treatment and prevention strategy for your specific situation.


Above ground termite baiting systems work by delivering bait with a toxicant directly to the termite trails from exposed mud trails above ground, such as on walls, ceilings, trees, and furniture. The objective of termite baiting is to place a food source that contains a toxicant. Foraging termites that find the baits will consume and share the food containing the toxicant with its nest mates, including the Queen and the King, through a process called trophallaxis.

Once termites start feeding on the bait, they will not be able to resis. The elimination process may require approximately 2 to 12 weeks depending on the size of the colony, typically between 6 to 8 weeks. Termites feeding on the bait need to be replenished with fresh bait. Total colony elimination will be achieved within 5-8 weeks.

An above ground station is used to treat termites if identified in a building. Once the colony has been eradicated, the above-ground stations are removed. This method is a long-term solution and provides a quality, durable proven termite baiting and monitoring system.


In-ground termite baiting systems are a type of termite barrier that is established around the perimeter of your home.

Here’s how they work:

Installation: Plastic bait stations are installed around the property, typically every three meters. Bait: These stations contain cellulose inserts like cardboard and timber, which serve as termite food. Monitoring: The system acts as a monitoring station. Once termites are intercepted, the bait containing the active ingredient is placed in the monitoring station. Elimination: The bait is designed to eliminate the termite colony.

These systems are an effective solution for controlling and eliminating termite infestations. However, proper installation and consistent monitoring are crucial for their effectiveness. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional pest control service for the best results.


Termite control often involves baiting systems designed specifically for in-ground and in-concrete applications. These systems use bait stations strategically placed around the property, either in the soil or within concrete structures where termites are active.

For in-ground baiting systems, stations are buried in the soil at certain intervals around the property. These stations contain bait materials that attract termites. Once termites feed on the bait, they carry it back to their colony, effectively spreading the toxic substance and eliminating the colony.

In-concrete baiting systems are placed within the structure's concrete slabs or foundations. They work similarly to in-ground systems but are specifically designed to target termites that may be infesting the concrete structures of a building.


Termite control is crucial in Malaysia due to the humid climate that encourages termite infestations. Corrective treatments involve various methods like chemical barriers, baiting systems, and soil treatment to eliminate termites and prevent future infestations.

Professionals assess the extent of the infestation and recommend the most suitable treatment. Regular inspections and preventive measures are also essential to maintain a termite-free environment.


Coring is a process used in construction and renovation projects. It involves drilling holes into materials such as jubin (tiles), marble, or other surfaces. This process can be used for various purposes, including termite treatment.

Injecting Termiticides: Termiticides are chemical agents used to exterminate termites. They can be injected directly into the soil around a property’s foundation, creating a barrier that termites cannot pass through. The termiticide is then absorbed into the soil, killing termites within 24-48 hours. A commonly used termiticide works by disrupting the termite’s nervous system, causing paralysis and eventually death.


Anti-termite soil treatment is a method used to protect structures from termite infestation by creating a barrier in the soil surrounding the building.

Anti-termite soil treatment is an effective method to protect structures from termite damage, but it's important to ensure proper application and consider safety and environmental factors. Consulting with a professional pest control service is often the best approach to ensure thorough protection against termites.


Termguard Treatment is a termite prevention method that involves installing a network of pipes around a property’s perimeter. These pipes are filled with a termiticide, a chemical that kills termites. The system accurately distributes the required amounts of termite control agents into the system, protecting the structure.

This method is environmentally friendly and meets building industry standards. It’s designed to offer long-term termite management and prevention. Consulting with a professional pest control service is recommended to ensure thorough protection against termites.